Sunday, July 15, 2012

Kachabeswarar Temple at Chennai (Parrys Corner)

அருள்மிகு கச்சாலீஸ்வரர் திருக்கோயில்

மூலவர்             :   கச்சாலீஸ்வரர்
அம்மன்             :   அழகாம்பிகை
தல விருட்சம்  :  கல்யாணமுருங்கை

தல சிறப்புஇத்தலத்தில் நவக்கிரகங்கள் தனிமண்டபத்தில் நின்ற வடிவில் உள்ளன. கிரகங்களின் மத்தியில் உள்ள சூரியன், தனது மனைவியர்களான உஷா, பிரத்யுஷா ஆகியோருடன் இருக்கிறார். மண்டப மேற்கூரையில் 12 ராசிகள், 28 நட்சத்திரங்கள், 60 வருடங்கள், நான்கு யுகங்கள், அஷ்டதிக் பாலகர்கள் ஆகியோர் சிற்பவடிவில் உள்ளனர். கிரகதோஷம் உள்ளவர்கள் இங்கு வணங்கினால் அவை நீங்கும். அறுபதாம் திருமணம் செய்பவர்கள் இந்த நவக்கிரகங்கள் முன்பாக திருமணம் செய்கிறார்கள். இவ்வாறு செய்தால் ஆயுள் மேலும் நீடிக்கும் என்ற நம்பிக்கை இருக்கிறது.
இங்குள்ள விநாயகர் வரசித்தி விநாயகர். இங்கு சர்க்கரைப்பொங்கல் நைவேத்தியம் செய்யப்படுகிறது. இங்குள்ள விமானம் சதுரங்க விமானம்.

தல வரலாறுபக்தர் ஒருவர், காஞ்சிபுரத்தில் உள்ள கச்சாலீஸ்வரரை வணங்கிவிட்டு ஊருக்கு திரும்பிக் கொண்டிருந்தார். வழியில் பலத்த மழை பெய்ததால் பாலாற்றில் வெள்ளம் பெருக்கெடுத்து ஓடிக் கொண்டிருந்தது. எனவே, அவரால் ஊருக்கு திரும்ப முடியவில்லை. அவருக்கோ ஊரில் பல வேலைகள் பாக்கியிருந்தது. "என்ன செய்வேன் இறைவா!' என தவித்து நின்றார். ஆனால், மழையோ ஒரு வாரம் விடாப்பிடியாகக் கொட்டிய பின் தான் அடங்கியது. வெள்ளம் வடிய இன்னும் ஒரு வாரம் பிடித்தது.பக்தர் சிவன் மீது பாரத்தைப் போட்டுவிட்டு வெள்ளம் வடிந்த பின் ஆற்றுக்குள் இறங்கி ஊர் வந்து சேர்ந்தார். என்ன அதிசயம்! அவர் செய்ய வேண்டிய அத்தனை பணிகளும் ஒன்று விடாமல் முடிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தன, தன் பக்தனுக்காக எல்லா வேலைகளையும் இறைவனே பக்தனின் வடிவில் வந்து செய்து முடித்து விட்டார். பின்னர் அவ்வூரில் சிவலிங்க பூஜை செய்தார் பக்தர். காலப்போக்கில் அங்கு கோயிலும் எழுப்பப்பட்டது.

பஞ்சவாகன சிவன்: பாற்கடலை கடைந்தபோது, மத்தாகப் பயன்பட்ட மந்திரமலை கடலில் மூழ்கவே மகாவிஷ்ணு, ஆமை வடிவம் எடுத்து மத்தாக பயன்பட்டார். அவர் வழிபட்ட சிவன் என்பதால், "கச்சபேஸ்வரர்' என்றும், "கச்சாலீஸ்வரர்' என்றும் அழைக்கப்படுகிறார். "கச்சபம்' என்றால் "ஆமை' என பொருள். இங்குள்ள லிங்கம், கூர்மம் (ஆமை), நாகம், சிம்மம், யுகங்கள், பத்மம் ஆகிய ஐந்து ஆசனங்களின் மீது அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இந்த அமைப்பில் சிவன் காட்சி தருவது அபூர்வம். நாகதோஷம், விஷ ஜந்துக்களால் பயம் கொண்டவர்கள் இவருக்கு அபிஷேகம் செய்து வணங்கலாம். இந்த லிங்கத்திற்கு பின்புறம் கருவறை சுவரில் சதாசிவ மூர்த்தி இருக்கிறார். ஒரே கருவறையில் சிவனின் உருவமான இவ்வடிவையும், அருவுருவமான லிங்கத்தையும் வணங்கிட பாவங்கள் நீங்கி, முக்தி கிடைக்கும் என்பது நம்பிக்கை. 

அம்பாள் அழகாம்பிகையின் சன்னதிக்கு இருபுறமும் லட்சுமியும், சரஸ்வதியும் உள்ளனர். ஒரேநேரத்தில் இம்மூன்று சக்திகளையும் வணங்கினால் கல்வி, செல்வம், ஆற்றல் பெறலாம். சபரிமலையில் உள்ள ஐயப்பன் சன்னதி தீக்கிரையான போது, தமிழகத்தில் இருந்து புதிய சிலை எடுத்துச் செல்லப்பட்டது. அந்தச் சிலையை இந்தக் கோயிலுக்கு பூஜைக்காக எடுத்து வந்தனர். பூஜை முடிந்ததும் சிலையை அங்கிருந்து கொண்டு செல்ல முயன்றனர். ஆனால், பல காரணங்களால் தடங்கல் ஏற்பட்டு மூன்று நாட்கள் இங்கேயே சிலை இருந்தது. மூன்று நாட்களும் ஐயப்பனுக்கு பூஜை நடத்தப்பட்டது. அதன் நினைவாக இங்கு ஐயப்பனுக்கு தனிச்சன்னதி கட்டப்பட்டுள்ளது. சபரி மலையில் ஜோதி தரிசனத்தின்போது, இங்கும் ஜோதி தரிசன விழா நடக்கிறது. கச்சபேஸ்வரருக்கு முன்புறம் சிங்க வாகனத்தின் மீது ஐந்து முக ஹேரம்ப விநாயகர் காட்சி தருகிறார். இவருக்கு அருகில் சித்தியும், புத்தியும் நின்ற கோலத்தில் உள்ளனர். இவ்விநாயகரை வணங்கினால் கணவன், மனைவிடையே ஒற்றுமை பெருகும் என்பது ஐதீகம். இங்கு 63 நாயன்மார் மண்டபம், தத்தாத்ரேயர், துர்க்கை, ஆதிசங்கரர், மூலகேஸ்வரர் ஆகியோருக்கும் சன்னதிகள் உள்ளன.  

திருமணத்தில் தடை உள்ளவர்கள், குழந்தை பாக்கியம் வேண்டுபவர்கள் வணங்க வேண்டிய தலம்..  சுவாமிக்கு ருத்ராபிஷேகம் செய்து வழிபட்டால் திருமணதோஷம் நீங்கும், நினைத்த செயல்கள் நடக்கும், அம்பாளுக்கு தைலக்காப்பு செய்து வணங்கினால் குழந்தைப்பேறு கிடைக்கும் என்பது நம்பிக்கை. 

போன்: +91- 44 - 2522 7177







Sunday, May 6, 2012

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Meena Rashi (Pisces) - (May 17, 2012 to May 31, 2013) - Jupiter Transit Predictions


For your rasi, Guru was in 2nd house so far. Your finance would have been excellent in the last one year. Even if you have started with Asthama Sani, the malefic effects are not yet seen by you since Jupiter and Mars are in good position to support your growth. Now Jupiter moving in to you 3rd house is not good for you. You need to take care of your health, family, finance and job.

Jupiter in the 3rd house is capable of collapsing your hard earned name and fame as well as your investments. Better stay away from taking loans as it will be very difficult to repay, Subha Karyas like marriages will get delayed. If you are looking for a job, you will not get it. Students need to put lot more efforts on their studies to pass their exams. You will develop cold war as well as arguments with your spouse. Separation from family is very much possible. If you are eligible single, it is the perfect time to avoid marriage. Mental tensions will be at very high point. Only meditation and prayers can keep your mind calm in the coming year.

If you are waiting for your promotion, it will also get delayed. Rather you may get laid off. Try to protect your job by adjusting your work environment. It is going to be an extremely bad year for traders. Business people can see their bottom this year. If you are not careful, you may have to file bankruptcy. Your debt will keep going up to form a big mountain.

From May 17, 2012 to Aug 03, 2012 - Health needs attention (65 / 100)

This is the time where Sani Bhagavan is in Kanni Rashi and this becomes kantaga sani for you again. Saturn in the 7th house along with Jupiter in the 3rd house, can give bitter pills and can create problems at your workplace. You and your spouse health will suffer a lot. Take medical insurance for the next two years before the start of Guru Peyarchi. Traders and business people will have a major set back.

From Aug 03, 2012 to May 31, 2013 - Worst time (10 / 100)

This is the time where Sani Bhagavan is in Thula Rashi that so you are completely under the Asthama Sani. Jupiter is not placed well and Mars is also moving forward from 6th house. Saturn in the 8th house along with Jupiter in the 3rd house, can make your life miserable. Traders are advised to stay away from their investments. Traders will get wiped out during this period with 99% loss at least. Options and futures will expire by losing all premiums. Your health also needs serious condition during this time. Business people can easily go down against their competitors and keep losing their valuable customers. Try to stop by controlling your expenses in business otherwise you may have to file bankruptcy. If you are looking for Job, you will not get it!

Overall it is going to be a servere testing period.Only meditation and prayers can keep your mind calm in the coming year.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Kumbha Rashi (Aquarius) - (May 17, 2012 to May 31, 2013) - Jupiter Transit Predictions 


For your rasi, Guru was in 3rd house so far. Your finance would have been very bad in the last couple of years due to Asthama Sani and 3rd house Jupiter. Even you are out of asthama sani by Nov 2011, Jupiter in the 3rd house is good enough to keep staying down in your life. Your health might have suffered a lot and mental stress might have been more. In recent past years, planets made your life miserable. Now things are changing..!

Jupiter in the 4th house is much better than 3rd house. You will see mixed results during this transit. You will start recovering your health. Subha Karyas like marriages need to wait for some more time. If you are looking for a job, you may get it. But you may not satisfied with your Job. Students still need to put more efforts on their studies and they will score good marks compared prior years.

If you are waiting for your promotion, it will also get delayed. Still it is not a good year for traders. But business people can make little progress. You will start paying back your debt but still your debt will be there. Overall this year will give you a marginal relief. But to get the marginal relief also, you need to wait atleast until August 03, 2012. Because Saturn is re-entering into kanni rashi to give his last bitter pill to you.

From May 17, 2012 to Aug 03, 2012 - No progress and stressfull time (25 / 100)

This is the time where Sani Bhagavan is in Kanni Rashi and this becomes asthama sani for you again. Saturn in the 8th house along with Jupiter in the 4th house, can make your life miserable. Traders will get wiped out during this period with 95% loss at least. Options and futures will expire by losing all premiums. Your health also needs serious condition during this time. Business people can easily go down against their competitors and keep losing their valuable customers. If you are looking for Job, you will not get it! It is going to be a servere testing period.

From Aug 03, 2012 to May 31, 2013 - Significant Relief from recent years damages (55 / 100)

This is the time where Sani Bhagavan is in Thula Rashi that so you are completely out of Asthama Sani. Congrats! Jupiter is also reasonably placed well. You will see small amount of your growth this year and great relief from your mental stress. You will get a Job with a decent salary during this time. Most of your energies will be spent on fixing the recent year damages. You will keep gaining good amount of positive energy mentally during this period. Problems with your spouse will come to a complete stop. However that past hard moments will keep playing in your mind for some more time. A very good thing during this time is you have crossed the worst part. Everyday your life will get better.

Traders are still advised to stay away from their investments. Jupiter is reasonably placed well but yet he is not in a good position. No question for buying a home now, Saturn and Jupiter might have drained out all your saving in the last couple of years. You will see a wonderful time and all around happiness from Jun 2013. This is going to be a relaxing time for you from your problems.

Overall this Guru Peyrachi is going to be offer mixed results for you. But 4 months from May to July 2012, is not good. You will make little amount of progress in the remaining period. Nothing to be worried from August 2012!

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Makara Rashi (Capricorn) - (May 17, 2012 to May 31, 2013) - Jupiter Transit Predictions 


For your rasi, Guru was in 4th house so far. It was not a good place also it is not extremely bad. You might have seen no progress or slow growth in the last one year. Saturn in the 10th house might have increased your work pressure from Nov 2011. Now Guru moving into your 5th house going to be an awesome news for you!

You health condition will improve and any kind of chronic diseases will get resolved during this time. Note that Jupiter is aspecting your rashi after 7 years. It is going to be a very big change and a new phase of life is waiting for you. Subha Karyas are most likely during this period. If you are single, you will get married. Elgible couples may also get blessed with a child. You will develop very good relationship with your spouse. Your family will be very much supportive of your growth. Students will outperform on their studies and score very good marks in their examination.

If you are waiting for your promotion, it is very much indicated on the cards. However Saturn is in 10th house and might give you hard time in work environment. But this negative effect will not be seen since Jupiter is very much supportive and can protect you from any obstacles created by saturn. Besides Saturn in the 10th house is not too bad especially for Makara Rashi since Shani Bhagavan is your own lord. Traders and business people see their windfall profits this year. All around happiness is indicated and it will be very good psychologically since Jupiter is aspecting your rashi after a very long time of 7 years. Your finance condition will improve a lot and any kind of debts can be paid back with benefic Jupiter. If you are buying a home, it may also very happen during the month of October - November 2012.

From May 17, 2012 to Aug 03, 2012 - Excellent time and windfall profits (90 / 100)

This is the time where Sani Bhagavan is in Kanni Rashi and that is the 9th house for you. Saturn in the 9th house along with Jupiter in the 5th house, is the most welcoming period. Traders will book good amount of profits in this short time. Options and futures also yield profits. However check your Natal Chart before trading options. Your health condition will get much better to enjoy your good time. Business people easily go up against their competitors and customers will be keep coming towards you! If you are looking for Job, you will get it! No doubt. If you want to invest in real estate, wait until october 2012.

From Aug 03, 2012 to May 31, 2013 - Excellent Time (85 / 100)

This is the where Sani Bhagavan is in Thula Rashi that is 10th house for you. But Jupiter is in a very good position to support your growth. Work pressure will be little more. At the same time, you will also get compensated with good bonus because of benefit Jupiter. You can go with investments during this time. Options and futures will yield reasonable profits for you. Business people will see good amount of growth this year.

Overall this Guru Peyrachi is going to be an excellent time for you. Especially 4 months from May to July 2012, is extremely good. You will make significant amount of progress in the remaining period. Nothing to be worried! Enjoy.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Dhanushu Rashi (Sagittarius) - (May 17, 2012 to May 31, 2013) - Jupiter Transit Predictions 


For your rasi, Guru was in 5th house so far. Things would have been extremely good for you! Both Saturn and Jupiter will keep pushing you up by supporting your growth and success. You would have been very famous compared to prior years. Finance is not a problem at all and you will have surplus money by this time. Now Guru is entering into Runa Roga Sathru Sthanam will put a clear break to your growth.

You health will suffer so better to take medical insurace if you do not have. Your expenses will keep going up. Subha Karyas will get postponed beyond your control. You will develop arguments with your spouse. You can expect to have more hidden enemies during this time. People will around you play a good politics both at your family and workplace.

If you are waiting for your promotion, it is not possible during this time. However Saturn is in right spot to support your growth and it is vey much likely that most of the negative energy supplied by Jupiter will be balanced by Saturn. So nothing to be feared for you! Saturn will save you in your hard time this year. Business people and traders will see good profits and turnovers.

From May 17, 2012 to Aug 03, 2012 - Problems at your work (45 / 100)

This is the time where Sani Bhagavan is in Kanni Rashi and that is the 10th house for you. Saturn in the 10th house along with Jupiter in the 6th house, will definitely bring serious problems and arguments at your workplace. Traders will have book good amount of losses in this short time. Your health requires serious attention. Do not invest into stock market this time. Once Saturn moves forward, he will support your growth to a great extent.

From Aug 03, 2012 to May 31, 2013 - Mixed Results (65 / 100)

This is the where Sani Bhagavan is in Thula Rashi that is the labha sthanam for you. But Jupiter is in a hard spot to put a break. So problems in your health are most likely. Work pressure will also keep going up. You will get compensated with good bonus because of benefit saturn. You can go with conservative investments during this time. Options and futures will not yield any profits for you. Business people will see slow and steady growth with increased competition. As Saturn being in the 11th house, you can keep your hard earned good name and fame during this year.

Overall this Guru Peyrachi is going to be a testing time for you. Especially 4 months from May to July 2012, is not good. The remaining part will be mixed, health and family problems are likely but finance will be good.

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Viruchiga Rashi (Scorpio) - (May 17, 2012 to May 31, 2013) - Jupiter Transit Predictions 


For your rasi, Guru was in 6th house of runa roga sathru sthanam. Apart from this, you have started Sade Sani (7 1/2 years) from Nov 2011. The last couple of months would not have been good. You might have faced more problems and politics at your place. Saturn and Jupiter was in wonderful spot before one year would have increased your position at work and increased your wealth. When Jupiter was in 6th house, you kept developing hidden enemies in the last one year. Now with this guru peyarchi, your hidden enemies will lose their strength. You will succeed in your every efforts.

Guru in 7th house is aspecting your labha sthanam, your rashi and 3rd house. You will regain your finance position during this time. You will pay off your debts in one shot. Students will outperform on their studies and will score very good marks. If you are eligible single, you may get married. Birth of a child is most likely in your family. You will have very good relationship with your spouse. Your family would be very much supportive of your growth. Youe health condition will be very good. Any serious illness will be out of the question now.

If you are looking for a job, you will get it with a very good salary. If you are waiting for your promotion, it is also in the cards. Guru will give you enough money to pay back your debt. Your finance conditions will improve a lot as time progress in this guru peyarchi. Business people and traders will see good profits and turnovers. If you are looking to invest in real estate, this is the time for it.

But you can enjoy these benefits completely only for 4 months time when Saturn was in Kanni Rashi. When Saturns moves forward to Thula Rashi, you will be under the problems of sade sani.

From May 17, 2012 to Aug 03, 2012 - Excellent Time, Windfalls are likely (90 / 100)

This is the time where Sani Bhagavan is in Kanni Rashi and that is the 11th house for you. Saturn in the 11th house along with Jupiter in the 7th house, is the most welcoming period. Traders will see their windfall profits in this short time. Success and happiness is indicated in each and every aspect of life during this time. Your health will improve a lot. You will be very happy during this time as both Saturn and Jupiter became very much favorable from their worst positions. This is the time you need to save your money and consider buying new homes or investing into real estate. You will be surrounded by happiness during this time. If you are waiting for foreign travel, this is the time you will get it!

From Aug 03, 2012 to May 31, 2013 - Sade Sani Begins, but good progress (65 / 100)

This is the where Sani Bhagavan is in Thula Rashi so Sade Sani begins for you. As Jupiter is in good spot to protect your finance, career and health, you may not see big negative impacts during this time. Jupiter dominates the Saturn negative energy, so you will keep going up in your life.

Traders can invest into stocks as it can yield good profits. However fast turn around vehicles like options and futures can be avoided and done with natal chart support. Buiness peoples will easily overcome their competitors and file good profits and turn over. This time is favorable for politicians and artists also.

Overall this Guru Peyrachi is going to be an excellent time for you. Especially 4 months from May to July 2012, is extremely good. You will still make good progress in the remaining part..! Good luck!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Guru Peyarchi Palangal For Thula Rashi (Libra) - (May 17, 2012 to May 31, 2013) - Jupiter Transit Predictions 


Guru was in 7th house so far supporting your growth. You might have had little setback from Nov 2011 because of Janma Sani. But overall last one year would have been good with respect to your health, finance and family. With this transit, Guru is entering into your asthama sthanam is really a bad news for you!

Guru in 8th house is aspecting your 12th, 2nd and 4th house. So you can expect to have problems at your health, family, work and finance. You keep losing your money going foward. Students will have to put lot of efforts to pass their exams. Marriages will get delayed and subha karyas will get postponed for no reasons. You will keep developing arguments with your spouse. By understanding the time, make sure you do not break relationships during this time. There is no surpise if you lose your job. Your expenses will go up and income will tighten. You need to borrow money to manage your expenses.

If you are waiting for your promotion, it will get delayed. Work pressure will be more than usual. Your boss will keep doing micro management at you. If you are single, stay away from opposite sex. This will cause only problems and you will lose your hard earned name and fame in the last couple of years. Business people and traders will see their worst time during this transit. Any kind of investments must be avoided during this time as it can yield only losses. It will be very difficult time for people in media, music, arts and politics.

From May 17, 2012 to Aug 03, 2012 - Bad time begins (55 / 100)

This is the time where Sani Bhagavan is in Kanni Rashi and that is under sade sani. Saturn in the 12th house along with Jupiter in the 8th house, is not good for you. You need to be careful during this time while taking any major decisions.
Traders will start seeing their worst time. Your health condition requires attention. Your mental stress will be more during this time. Problems with in close family members are most likely during this time. You need to keep doing prayers and medidation to keep your mind stable. Do not get addicted to drinks and gambling.

From Aug 03, 2012 to May 31, 2013 - Severe Testing Period (15 / 100)

This is the where Sani Bhagavan is in Thula Rashi so Janma Sani will be in full force for the next two years. As Jupiter is also in asthama sthanam, you will have to take a series of bitter pills during this time. Failures are most likely in every new step you are taking. You need to keep hold of your natal chart during this time. Stay away from any kind of investments and partnerships. Do not develop any arguments with your spouse and children. Prayers and meditation can keep your mind stable.